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Fotografija Malija Ljudija Velikoga Srce.

Pomoć u hrani,odjeći i novcu  je prijeko potrebna  jer svakodnevno je sve više gladnih,bosih ali i bolesnih koji nemaju novac za liječenje ili operaciju.Zato su tu humanitarna udruženja koja malo imaju ili nemaju veze sa državnom kasom.Ljudi su odlučili da pomognu oslanjajući se isključivo na ljude dobre volje.To jest vas,one koji su mali ljudi velikog srca i koji žele pomoći i ne mogu da gledaju bijedu i bolesne,ako je rješiva bolest a samo je novac u pitanju.Tu vi nastupate.Vidite ove ljude i djecu na slikama neki od njih su prošli proceduru liječenja ali dolaze drugi tu nema kraja,pomozite koliko možete i požurite jer neki ne mogu čekati.             Fotografija Malija Ljudija Velikoga Srce.

Udruženja mali ljudi velikog srca i su siguran ulog u nečiji bolji život.

Novac se može uplatiti na njihov račun i oni će već dati onima kojima je najpotrebniji da li u novcu,hrani,odjeći i drugom ili uplatu za liječenje i lijekove.Dalje nije vaša briga važno je da ste ljudi velikog srca i humanitarci.

Ne brinite,nemojte žaliti za novcem jer taj novac će vam se vratiti na bolji način nego što očekujete i znat ćete kada to bude jer biti ćete srećni.


Iliri,Rimljani,Sloveni u Bosni i Hercegovini

Iliri,Rimljani,Sloveni u Bosni i Hercegovini

Iliri u BiH su imali svoju historiju.Po nekim naučnicima stanovnici BiH su potomci Ilira a prezime Mataruga je jedan od dokaza da i danas postoji to prezime koje je bilo i za vrijeme Ilira u mjestu Misoča a kako tamo negdje piše da je Misoča kod Visokog.Iliri su se odupirali Rimljanima stotinama godina dok Rimljanima nije zatrebalo rude željeza,zlata i srebra pa su okupili svu svoju silu.U srednjoj Bosni su živjeli Desitijati ,najhrabrije pleme Ilirsko kao i poslije zauzimanja njihove teritorije od strane Rimljana 9.godine n.e.
Ima cijela priča o tom događaju ali neću je spominjati  ovom prilikom. Iliri su opstali i vremenom su postali i građani Rimskog carstva ali i vojnici koji su mogli birati cezara.Pa je tako Ilirskog porijekla bilo 5 careva izabrano u Rimskom carstvu.Rimski carevi Ilirskog porijekla:prvi je bio Decije,zatim Valentijan potom Klaudije I , Valentijan i Probus.Iliri su živjeli skromno,imali su svoju nošnju običaje o čemu lijepo piše i akademik Muhamed Filipović te i on naglašava da je narod BiH potomak Ilira dok neki drugi to negiraju pa čak i da Iliri nisu starosjedioci bili na tlu BiH.Sa našim pradjedovima se pokalapaju mnoge stvari kao na primjer nošnja bijele košulje duge sa bijelim pantalonama.Ja imam sliku svog pradjeda u toj nošnji zajedno sa njegovim rođacima i komšijama.

Zatim,zanimljivo je da je Rimski vojnik morao služiti vojsku 20 godina ali je zato dijelio plijen tako da je mogao uzeti dio zemlje koju su zauzeli i tu se nastaniti.Penzionisani vojnici su bili imučni.Ilirski i Rimski putevi se i danas koriste kroz BiH ali historičari trebaju otkriti još mnogo toga kako bi se  kockice poklopile.Napadi novih plemena su bili  česti mnogo se naroda proturilo kroz BiH ,tzv.seobe naroda od 7. vijeka n.e. tako da se historija o Ilirima u mnogome gubi posebno dolaskom Slovena u 6. vijeku.Ali svemu dođe kraj kao  što je došao kraj onima prije njih a i onima poslije njih.....

Slika pokazuje  Ilirska plemena njihovi nazivi i u kojem dijelu BiH i okoline su živjeli.Do danas je evidentiran golemi broj gradina, drugih naselja i naseobina u kojima su gotovo sigurno prebivali Dezitijati i njihovi romanizirani potomci, od kojih su neka djelomično i istražena.

Zatim Rimski putevi kroz BiH su bili od značaja za Rim ali i narodu BiH i okoline.Rimski putevi  pravljeni prema Sirmiumu na Dunavu,tu su i logori sa vojskom koji su štitili puteve i Siermium što je omogućavalo dobru vezu ovog kraja sa centralnim dijelom države.Glavno put je vodio od Salone(Jadransko more) do Sirmiuma što je bila glavna linija kretanja Rimskih legija i kulturnog i svakog drugog utjecaja Rima.Postojali su i drugi putevi i to  drugi put je vodio od Narone na ušću Neretve do  u Jadransko more  prema Sirmiumu koja je centralna tačka Panonije, ovaj put je vodio dolinama rijeka Neretve i Bosne.A treći put je vodio od sadašnjeg Zadra Jedere  prema dolini rijeka Kupe i Save prema Sisku (Siscii) odakle se kotrolisao gornji tok rijeke Save do Slovenije i Alpa.
Dalaskom Slovena na  ove prostore niko se nije obradovao.Zašto?Dolazak Slovena  je najavio pokolj stanovništva,jer su Sloveni bili nemilosrdni ubijali su i žene i djecu,te su opisani kao divljaci zbog pokolja preko 7000 žena i djece za samo dva dana 548. godine u Draču.Ali takvih pokolja je bilo još pa se računa da su ubili i zarobili preko 4 miliona ljudi ili većina tadašnjeg stanovništva rimske provincije Dalmacije tj. Ilirije.(Kulturna istorija BiH str.100-111).Sada opet neki historičari navode da Sloveni nisu došli na Balkan u tolikom broju pa da bi mogli napraviti takvo što...

tags:Iliri,Rimljani,Sloveni,Bosna,Historija Bosne,

Commercials Through History

According to Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary a commercial is an advertisement which is broadcast on television or radio. Due to shortness of this paper and broad spectre of meanings of commercials the paper will deal with a brief history of TV and radio commercials including some of the most interesting facts in relation with TV and radio ads.

How did it actually all begin? If we go way back in time, the old Egyptians used papyrus as a means to promote sale and different events which means that advertising is not that strange of a concept to the world. Since the invention of radio and later on TV, advertising has become a very effective means to different kinds of promotion.

“Broadcasting was originally developed as a means for companies to sell radios. But once commercial entities realized that many households were listening to their radios a significant amount of time every day, they started to explore this medium as a way to get their message across to the masses. If one has to choose a single event that began the era of radio broadcasting, it would probably be the radio program broadcast by station WEAF in New York City on August 28, 1922 This was a ten-minute advertisement for suburban apartment housing. By Christmas of that year, several major New York department stores joined the fray and were running advertisements for their stores.”

Since the first commercial aired the explosion of commercials started. A whole line of advertisement agencies were created to make commercials and to earn some profit out of it. The agencies were hiring creative people who would create ads and they even created a whole set of series intended to promote one product or another.

 The rest is history. Today, radio is a very powerful advertising tool. Millions of people still listen to radio daily because it has music, different kinds of shows intended for all ages and of course it airs commercials on regular basis. 

The radio of course is not a perfect tool for advertising since we have so many other means of promoting, but it certainly has some advantages:

  • Cheap – radio ads are cheaper to produce and can reach millions of people at the same time. The relative cost effectiveness is as compared to television ads, which are so much more expensive than any other form of advertising.

  • Impact – the impact made by a radio ad is greater than the impact made by any other medium of advertising. This is because radio ads are played at a time that can target a particular section of society or the masses. And also because they are repeated every hour or half an hour, so the impact is maximum.

  • Entertaining – leaving television ads aside, radio ads are the most entertaining way of advertising. The print media can get dull and boring, where as the radio allows for creativity in advertisements.

  • Cost effective – for those on a budget, radio advertising is very cost effective. It is cheaper than television ads and more attractive than print. It is the most preferred medium of advertising for local small businesses.“

Radio commercial surely have some advantages and these are:

  • Short life span – unless it is a very catchy jingle on the radio, most people forget about radio ads in a day. This is because most are jingles that last for 30 seconds and are heard a few times a day and then they go off the air. The life span of that ad is over and done with and people will just as soon forget about the ad and the product or service it was for.

  • Cost fluctuation – the problem with radio advertising is that the cost can fluctuate depending on the time slot selected.

Years passed, and television became a totally new invention that had sound and images. The advertising industry was now faced with a completely new situation, and was very cautious when considering the possibility of TV ads. The problem occurred when a doubt appeared: whether to consider a TV ad same as a radio commercial but with pictures, or do they need a completely new approach in handling TV ads? Advertising agencies came up with an idea to create a whole set of series dedicated to promote a single product like Coke Time, Colgate Comedy hour etc.

This idea was good for a while but the more people had TVs the more money companies needed to pay in order to have their own series that promoted their products.

NBC executive Sylvester L. "Pat" Weaver came up with a solution that would work and would also be very favorable to the networks. He introduced the "magazine concept" of television advertising. In this arrangement, the sponsors would purchase blocks of time (typically one to two minutes) in a show rather than be a sponsor for an entire show.”

This idea called the magazine concept allowed all companies to have their products promoted during different kinds of show, but the original plan was to have four commercials during one show. As television became more popular more and more companies wanted their products to be promoted on TV, so the system of “four per show” was terminated, and today, we can see more commercials than the movie or show itself.

 According to fMRI scans which demonstrate that the two parts of the brain most stimulated when watching audio-visual material (like TV and cinema) are the amygdalla (emotion) and the hippocampus (long term memory encoding). Emotions and long term memory = where brands live. Neuroscience studies from a variety of media companies (Viacom, GMTV and PHD) have confirmed this finding. This discovery shows that TV advertising definitely is a more powerful tool in promoting than radio, and today the most powerful one.
This evolution of magazine concept advertising is truly the birth of most modern television advertising. The one exception is the infomercial which is really a throwback to the sponsored show model used in the early days of television advertising.

Why Do We Often Want to Escape Reality

Some of us watch soap operas on TV, let them use the internet extensively; second practice religion strictly or play computer games 24 hours a day. All this can be put into the category of so-called escapism. So what can we conclude from the above examples is that escapism can be defined as the art of escape realism and brutality of everyday life. 

Escapism is accomplished by means of recreation and entertainment, through which we try to suppress feelings of sadness, depression or stress daily. escapism can be considered as activities through which we aim to deepen our real problems that we press on a daily basis; some pleasant and enjoyable things.

The question is why people are constantly flowing from reality? 

The answer is very simple. We do it because we are often frustrated by their jobs, problematic children, or TV news or newspaper articles' about killing, death, or different types of abuse, corruption, etc. It is true that there are times when we all do not want to deal with problems but pretend they do not exist. We turn to bad habits because they allow us to forget. However, it does not get us solve our problems that can only deepened our enjoyment. And when we are again faced with our problems, the natural reaction is to get away again. This is something that could be called a vicious circle of escapism that is repeated over and over again. 

There are two aspects through which we can observe escapism. This may represent a healthy way to not becoming totally depressing reality or what can be seen as an obsession that makes people completely ignore reality. 

The term "healthy escapism 'means eating, sleeping, sexual activity, reading our favorite books or games for a limited period of time. All of these are considered normal and that it belongs to the scope of common human activities that relax our body and soul. Indeed, it is healthy for human beings to escape the cruel and hard reality and to enjoy the different things they like the most. course, we should be very careful not to exaggerate, because any deviation from the usual norms can be called escapism. If we spend half the day sleeping, and we tend to repeat from day to day, we create a dependency and it is very difficult to escape these or any other bad habits. often a person using sleep as escapism is a person whose life is filled with emotional or physical pain. 

Here is an example from the literature. Escape literature category of fiction and can be defined as literature written solely for fun and enjoyment. It just gives us a temporary escape and pleasure in a fantasy world. However, it only gives the illusion of real-world situations, but they are only 'Skin Deep' and when we "wake up" that we are not in a fairy tale and that we must continue with our lives difficult and cruel. This does not mean that all escape literature does not have any quality. On the contrary, there are many literary works that have been written under the concept of escape literature, but they are really important and worth reading. However, this kind of literature lowers the criteria and requirements of literature that is considered to be more demanding and serious. 

In today's progressive society it is very difficult to avoid escapism, and the reason for this is that our life is becoming harder and harder to live and we are exposed to so many new things I can, and most fortunately do cause addiction. These things are numerous. For example, they can be TV shows, the Internet, computer games, music, sports, etc. I think the main reason that people today are more exposed than before escapism that we are lonelier than before. We are alienated from each other and above all consider the individuals and then members of our society. So, we do not hang out as much as our previous generation, and we are expected to live on their own, with less help from others as possible. After all, I can say that escapists are in most cases the unfortunate, unhappy and unfulfilled people who are unable or unwilling to give up their addiction. 

The real reason why people keep their bad habits is that there are no bad habits. Any activity that leads to addiction offers some satisfaction at the beginning; also helps us to escape everyday boredom or reminds us of the happy times in the past. Indeed, all these activities are not harmful until they reach a certain point of no return to the previous state. The point where most bad habits become destructive when, instead of using them to enjoy life, we use them to escape from it. 

The only way to permanently stop the cycle of escapism is to develop a positive perception of life. It is necessary to find happiness in our lives that is stronger than our weaknesses. I read somewhere that changing our attitude towards reality is easier said than done. But above all, we must realize that reality is neither good nor bad, but a mixture of the two. 

We must learn to live with this acquisition and how to focus on the parts of these acquisitions that are more important to us than the other parts. In other words, it is important for us to know our priorities. By fixing our attention on the sources of hope and joy, we can create positive beliefs and reduce the desire to escape. 

The best way to permanently change habits is to surround yourself with people who may pose a positive impact on our lives. This will create resistance to any type of addiction and escapism. 

In general, a family vacation, books, internet and many other leisure activities should be our driving force which is supposed to remove us from the stress of our daily lives. However, it seems not to be the ones driving forces. It is scientifically proven that these activities or in other words, escapism destroys more lives and relationships than it improves. When people say they can not give up the addiction, it usually means that deep down they do not want or do not believe that this is possible. 

tags: Escape Reality, escape literature

Pita jabukovača

Kuhajmo zajedno.Pita od jabuka može biti od raznih jufki.Ovdje je prikazana jufka koja je malo deblja od drugih ali opet je pita ispala super.Tu je recept koji se koristi za bilo koju debljinu jufke.Odlično je ispala i nestala za 24 sata.Ne morate biti neki kuhar ili možda nikakav ali ćete znati napraviti ovu pitu,kakva god je vaša je drugi put ćete biti bolji,probajte.

Tags:pita od jabuka,jabukovača,kuhar,

Mali ljudi velikog srca su tu zbog vas

Udruženje "Mali ljudi velikog srca" su tu da vam pomognu.Vaše je da se javite ako je vaše ili zdravlje vaših voljenih ili susjeda,poznanika  u pitanju a Cilj ovog udruženja čitajte u nastavku:

- unapređivanje zaštite zdravlja čovjeka, 
- edukacija građana,
- posebno djece i mladih o značaju čuvanja zdravlja kroz javne tribine s učešćem eminentnih eksperata različitih specijalnosti koje se bave čovjekovim zdravljem,
- organizovanjem okruglih stolova u cilju prevencije nasilja u porodici/ obitelji s relevantnim čimbenicima opšte društvene zajednice življenja,
- organizovanjem stručnih predavanja po osnovnim i srednjim školama s ciljem podizanja svijesti o štetnosti opojnih droga, alkoholizma, nikotina i drugih štetnih supstanci,
- organizovanjem javnih tribina, okruglih stolova, predavanja u cilju podizanja svijesti o seksualnom i reproduktivnom zdravlju,
- organizovanje aktivnosti prikupljanja sredstava na račun Udruženja po općinama na području FBiH, kao i na račune onima u ime kojih će biti prikupljena sredstva u zemlji i inozemstvu sukladno dokumentima Udruženja,
- javno zalaganje za preventivno liječenje, posterapijsko liječenje i praćenje pojedinaca/ki, za koje se Udruženje brinulo u fazi liječenja,
- prikupljanje materijalno – tehničkih dobara, u svrhu pomoći socijalno ugroženim porodicama/ obiteljima i svima onima kojima je pomoć neophodna,
- ostvariti kontakt sa udruženjima sličnog programskog cilja u Zemlji i inozemstvu.
Njihovo sjedište je u Visokom u domu kulture u blizini policije.Pišem ovo jer sam svjedok njihovog zalaganja u radu.Mnogima su pomogli neke su liječili u dalekim zemljama a nekima su dali posao tj.hljeb u ruke,zato se i zovu mali ljudi velikog srca.

Možete ih kontaktirati putem interneta:

Tags:mali ljudi velikog srca,zdravlje,liječenje,